Wednesday, February 2, 2011

For the birds

When you have weather like this, it is best to stay inside. Because we did not go anywhere, we had to find our own entertainment. I was concerned about the animals outside. RJ fed the cats but I worried about the birds and the squirrel that visits our tree in the front yard. RJ put the birdseed in the squirrel feeder but the birds could not get to this. I went out and spread some of the seed out on the snow. Here are a couple of the pictures that I took of the birds.

Here you can see that we have at least 3 male redbirds and 1 female redbird in the tree and at the feeder. We also had blue jays, red-headed woodpeckers, and small little birds (don't know what they were).

Here are a couple more redbirds, male and female. Some other birds are down on the ground. As I said before, this weather is FOR THE BIRDS.


  1. I'm starting to see something in that "fly south for the winter" theory!

  2. ready for a winter home somewhere else?
