Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Guard Hummingbird

We have a hummingbird who thinks he owns the feeder and chases off any other hummingbirds who get anywhere near it.  We were watching him for a long time today while he chased other birds, sometimes all the way up into the trees across the road, and then returned immediately to his "guard" position on top of the feeder hanger.  Sunnye went out to the shed and got another feeder.  We cleaned the bugs out of it, filled it up and hung it about 10 feet from the other one.  When we came back in and watched, we saw him trying to guard BOTH feeders.  He would fly back and forth between them chasing off any other hummingbirds.  I told Sunnye he was probably feeling stressed now that he has two feeders to guard!

Yes, that's the highlight of our day.  Is that sad or what?

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