Here is our version of this old house. I decided to remove the strips on the wall so I could paint, something I have wanted to do for some time. I started in the laundry room in case I make mistakes, which I will. Here is what the laundry room looks like before.
I have taken the strips off in this picture.
Here is what it looks like with the second coat of mud. We have to put 3 coats on before we get to prime and then paint.
Here is what our living room is looking like.
I got some mud that goes on pink and dries white when ready to sand. This is just the 1st coat in the living room. I feel like I am building a house. I made a decision this afternoon that I am not going to be doing this to any of the other rooms. RJ is trying to help me with the walls but it is hard for him because he sprain his ankle and I am trying to keep him off of his feet. I am just going to prime and paint the rest of the trailer. If I didn't, we wouldn't have our furniture for quite a while. After the paint, we are getting new carpet. This way while the mud dries, I can be priming the rest of the walls. We will see how this will go. I would much rather be out in the yard planting flowers. But that is for another blog when I get to it.
Looks good! I can't wait to see the finished product.