Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blue Bird of Happiness

I have heard of this bird but I have never seen one. This is what I am calling them. Today I saw two of them. They are not blue Jays but are prettier. RJ took a picture of one of them while I was at work. If anyone knows what they are, let me know. We went from buying large bags of cat food to large bags of bird seed.  Here is the picture. They are beautiful.


  1. Taryn says that the odds are good that the bird is an Indigo Bunting. Having a scientist for a best friend is awesome!

  2. No matter what they are called, they sure do make me happy to see them!

  3. They are Indigo Buntings. We have seen them here in Salina. Just beautiful!! Tom is really good at identifying birds. Your yard looks so nice - great flowers!!
